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Inscrit le: 06 Juil 2008

Localisation: Blandford, Dorset, Southern England
Âge: 77 Sagittaire

MessagePosté le: 18/11/2009 20:01    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Harold, there was quite a lot of wind that day, maybe 25Kph, and it was sometimes gusty near the ground (where I like to fly Very Happy ) There is no instability in the model's handling, as perhaps the stall demonstrates?
The HQ35 section has good penetration, even with 14% at the root. The only downside at the moment lies in the ineffectiveness of the spoilers, but that will be cured by programming more up-aileron in the Tx.

I'm still using the Flycamone2, but with the 1000Mah Extreme clip-on battery, which cures all the problems the camera had previously...

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Incurable Posteur
Incurable Posteur

Inscrit le: 31 Aoû 2006

Localisation: Drôme
Âge: 58 Bélier

MessagePosté le: 19/11/2009 08:48    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Congratulations for this flight and the video (and music) quality!

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de Schaetzen Harold
Maniaco Posteur
Maniaco Posteur

Inscrit le: 06 Avr 2006

Localisation: Schilde
Âge: 79 Verseau

MessagePosté le: 19/11/2009 10:33    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

On the Sohaj, 3.75 m, weight less then 5 kg, I have the HQ 3.15 – 12 wing section.
After long trials and problems in the beginning, because of wrong thrust line adjustments, it is now flying perfectly.

I confirm, this is really an excellent section for our gliders. It can be used for low and fast speed. Penetration also is excellent.

Your Flamingo is larger and I can understand that 14% is better adapted.

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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 03 Juin 2009

Localisation: Vienne
Âge: 66 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 20/11/2009 20:46    Sujet du message: Re: HW 4 FLAMINGO 1:3.5 SCALE Répondre en citant

« cw » a écrit:
Well, it looks like good building weather again. Blowing a gale here today, so I started cutting wood for the Flamingo. It has eveything I like: a gull wing, spoilers... and a wheel Very Happy Very Happy

Hi Chris,

where did you find the photos and records about this beautiful bird? I only found pictures of an earlier version....

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Accro Posteur
Accro Posteur

Inscrit le: 06 Juil 2008

Localisation: Blandford, Dorset, Southern England
Âge: 77 Sagittaire

MessagePosté le: 20/11/2009 21:28    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Alexander, all I have is the information in Martin Simons' book, 'Sailplanes 1945-65'. After that, I used my imagination Very Happy

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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 03 Juin 2009

Localisation: Vienne
Âge: 66 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 20/11/2009 21:57    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Dear Chris,

I only found these pictures on the Internet, seems to be an early version...

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Accro Posteur

Inscrit le: 06 Juil 2008

Localisation: Blandford, Dorset, Southern England
Âge: 77 Sagittaire

MessagePosté le: 20/11/2009 22:15    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Yes, Martin sent me these pictures too... I think this is the Flamingo some years later with some terrible modifications to the canopy. I was happy to go by the 3-view drawings in the book instead!

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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 03 Juin 2009

Localisation: Vienne
Âge: 66 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 09/12/2009 12:01    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

« cw » a écrit:
Yes, Martin sent me these pictures too... I think this is the Flamingo some years later with some terrible modifications to the canopy. I was happy to go by the 3-view drawings in the book instead!

Yes. According to his son Prof. João Widmer these pictures are the HW-4 after a new canopy was fitted. As you can see clearly the tailplane is a bit different to that of your modell. It is mounted higher on the fuselage, the fixed part of the elevator is smaller and the part of the fuselage bigger...

Here one more photo with the detail to the tailplane.

All these pictures and more can be found here:

Best regards
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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 03 Juin 2009

Localisation: Vienne
Âge: 66 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 09/12/2009 12:03    Sujet du message: Flamingo Tailplane Répondre en citant

By the way please notice the nice glider (twoseater) on the left is a Spallinger S25!

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Psycho Posteur
Psycho Posteur

Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2006

Localisation: La Houssaye en Brie 77
Âge: 52 Gémeau

MessagePosté le: 09/12/2009 14:33    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Chris,
congratulations for your new super glider ! [clap] [amen]
And thank's for sharing your video with us, it shows many other magnificent gliders. Very Happy
The slope seems to be great, too !



Lolométéo, rétro addict ;o)

"On commence à vieillir quand on remplace ses rêves par des regrets"
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Accro Posteur
Accro Posteur

Inscrit le: 06 Juil 2008

Localisation: Blandford, Dorset, Southern England
Âge: 77 Sagittaire

MessagePosté le: 09/12/2009 19:19    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thank you for the information Alexander: I can believe the cockpit being modified at some stage, but probably not the position of the tailplane...never mind Very Happy

The Spalinger 25 is on my list too...!

Laurent, global warming has been kind to us this year, bringing back the westerly winds... Cool

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Stagiaire Posteur
Stagiaire Posteur

Inscrit le: 03 Juin 2009

Localisation: Vienne
Âge: 66 Scorpion

MessagePosté le: 10/12/2009 11:31    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

« cw » a écrit:
... but probably not the position of the tailplane...

The Spalinger 25 is on my list too...!

Salü Chris!

No of course the elevator was not changed. It seems the original and the 3-side view have a few differences. Obviously they wanted to build a modified Fafnier and changes of 10 years flying were applied: an additional wheel, an elevated tailplane and so on.

If your model flies well of course no problem! (You also changed the Gö profil, hehe).

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