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  Sujet: RETROPLANE 2016 en ITALIE!

Réponses: 179
Vus: 254846

MessageForum: RETROPLANE, la rencontre annuelle   Posté le: 20/07/2016 09:12   Sujet: RETROPLANE 2016 en ITALIE!
Thank you to all the partecipants at the Polsa. I had with you great days of flying and eating!! Many thanks to Vincent and Joelle for this great event. See you next time.
  Sujet: RETROPLANE 2016 en ITALIE!

Réponses: 179
Vus: 254846

MessageForum: RETROPLANE, la rencontre annuelle   Posté le: 02/07/2016 07:53   Sujet: RETROPLANE 2016 en ITALIE!
[amen] [amen] [clap] [clap] [clap]
  Sujet: Grüne Post

Réponses: 21
Vus: 38965

MessageForum: Constructions Détaillées en Photo   Posté le: 23/06/2015 14:27   Sujet: Grüne Post
Hello, I'm just approaching the wings and I don't understand the first three root ribs how they do the there any diehedral in this model?
Because from the three view I don't see any!! : ...
  Sujet: L'Italie pour un futur Retroplane?

Réponses: 25
Vus: 52341

MessageForum: RETROPLANE, la rencontre annuelle   Posté le: 16/06/2015 15:23   Sujet: L'Italie pour un futur Retroplane?
Hello Vincent, how are You and Your special Wife??

You've left the Italian air that let You eat nearly everything over the Polsa!!!

Beautifull photos... and I want to thank You for Your trip to ...
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