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Humek H2

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Fidèle Posteur

Inscrit le: 01 Nov 2007

Âge: 65 Sagittaire

MessagePosté le: 24/06/2010 10:55    Sujet du message: Humek H2 Répondre en citant


Recently I starts to research a rather unknown Slovenian vintage glider H2 Metla (Broom).

There are very little information available for that glider.

Some history:

There was a group established in Maribor in year 1929.
First they build primary Gliders of Zoegling type, but later they starts to design their own gliders. Young designers Cijan, Sostaric and Humek, starts to design and build their own designs.

Humek was designer of the H2 Metla.

It was designed in summer 1939 and starts to be assembled.
In jun 1940 the glider was prepared for covering job.
A kind tradesman donate for the covering fabric and named glider as Muha (Fly)
In september, first test flights show that rudder is a bit small, but this did not represent an important obstacle as at end of flying season, pilot Majcen done a 7 km flight from a mountain.

Unfortunately by German occupation (WW2), all gliders were confiscated, and many destroyed during the occupation. H2 did not survive the war years.

As there was no plans made for that glider, because designer send only rough hand drawings into a workshop, probably no those documents survive.

All we have so far are some writtings and 2 photos in a historic book "Slovenes and Aviation". Unforunately both authors of the book are dead for some years now.
I also know, that there was a H1 glider made and I poses some technical data (span, area, taper...) and I know that H2 had less span and lower AR. Also Humek`s friend Sostaric design glider Cavka at the same time and probably both use some design concepts from a well known glider Salamander. So there are some basics that helps in finding out the glider layout and some proportions.

As design of this glider stir my mind, I started to play with idea to find out how the glider looks, simply by extracting all available data from book and photos, and using in concern the sailplane design that was common in these days. Probably some previous builded gliders had great influence on those early designs and probably there was not much deviations ftom that knowledge and common praxis.

So lets me show those photos, that I use for my research:

Assembly of the glider at workshop yard.
Note the wing shadow on the ground. It shows wing details othervise hidden from the photo.

Christening ceremony for the new gliders. Way in the back (right) a H2 glider shown. Note the circular rudder.

So far I did not finish the drawing of the glider, but I came pretty close to the end. I need to make some changes, but I will show you how far I came to this moment:

3 views of the Glider.

Work in progress...... [argh]

I think this is very interesting using of spare prevent some designs to dissapear.

I think it would be a great RC model, assuming to enlarge a bit the rudder and made aileron differential to fight adverse yaw.

So much for now!


Never try, never fail....
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